Sunday, March 23


Here are some of the pictures I took when we went to Guatemala. It was an amazing trip. When the group got there, we had time to go to lunch, because 3 bags were missing. We go to Burger King, and there we ate and had a good time getting to know the missionaries that were hosting us. We get back in the vans to head back to the air port to see if the luggage came in on the next flight, and 5 people noticed that their backpacks were missing. Two of those backpacks had passports in them. (NOT a good thing in a 3rd world country) That is how the week started, and it was a trip that gave us the slogan "Easy is Overrated." First mission trip that I had ever been on like that. The place was completely different than the states. There is a big difference in "One nation under God".

Some of the flowers that grew in Guatemala
Some of the flowers that grew in Guatemala
Children that lived around the school we did VBS at
This kid turned his head when I turned the camera
Some of the streets we had to travel on
the street next to the School
We went to a Cathedral in Antigua
the Antigua Cathedral
the Antigua Cathedral
Cute little bird
I got bored
Anna and Benjamin - a translator that helped us
I love this picture of the Bible

Bridge that ran right next to the airport (photoshoped)
Candles inside the CathedralSome cool little design that many buildings have. I think it allowed airflow and such

Well thats all the good ones I have ready to show, for now at least. Hope you enjoyed them

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful Nick!