Thursday, April 10

Pre-picture Post: The Blah Blah Blah of Life

Well guys, I have internet so, I figured I would keep ya'll up to date on what I am doing (and as the title implies, there are no cool pictures to show, yet).

I first went to Washington D.C. with the Cornerstone Christian School Senior Class of 2008. It was an amazing time to spend bonding with my class, in a real time fun with the whole class. Most of our sponsors were plenty of fun to be with and I am glad they went. We started our trip on a Saturday 29, at 6:00 in the morning. (An awesome experience if you haven't ever flown in the morning) The people overbooked us and someone had to stay behind. They chose randomly and selected two people.... but thats not important.

We got there and we virtually used the metro for all transportation other than the shuttle to and from the airport. It was a fun experience to get on and I took alot of pictures with that in the background. They came out pretty well, and I will publish them in a later post, since I doubt many people will actually read this (unless forced by their wife or something). We actually had two students that got caught on the metro and went to the next station... ohh wait... that station was closed because of the time... they went a few stations over and had to come back. Our main sponsor was Mad. I can't blame her.

On the following Wednesday we went to New York, by train. It was a fun ride, especially on the way home. We were so loud that the conductor had to come back at tell us to shut up. We did pretty stinkin' good because we were like 5 trains down. It was fun to get to know everyone and just share times with the people that I see every day. I especially got closer with Michael, Ashley, Kathleen, Jessica, Katy, and Reece.


1 comment:

colin said...

by the way I read the whole thing without andre'a telling me to or reading it for me.
