Thursday, June 18

The bowling Alley

Greetings all,

Im not going to say much about these pictures, because, for the most part, I can sum them up in a few words: Thede bowling Center. I recently got a job here, and brought my camera to work, just to have a little fun. I have a picture, and then a unique picture next to it. It is just edited differently, but, its kinda cool.

This is the pin sorter, it has a belt that places the pins in the positions they need to be.

Full selection of pins from the back, in case one breaks or, fourty on the same night

I have no idea what the function of this machine is.

This is the front view of the sweepers and the pin....-picker-upers... yeah.

I'd like to thank my brother in law for inspiring to get the unique shots, and to not mess up.

I have some train pictures coming soon.


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